in maeda's words,
A material's failure to comply to a specific application
provides indication that its more natural usage lies elsewhere.
it just means you're not using the right materials,
because you don't understand the material.
so i tore up too many card boards without realising, an re-did my display case 3 times, because the prior designs didn't work the way it was designed. i felt silly, having to go back to my best friend, art friend, to buy more card board each time. it's silly to lug those a1/2 boards around school, then having to bring it home, it's big enough for me to hide behind. i'm awfully jealous of the way the guys make carrying the boards look so effortless.

and resubmissions for illustration, hurrr, just isn't my thing, i don't think everyone can be a good in rendering, it's requires such sophisitcated skills. yeah well, suang suang says i have to resubmit anyway.
i like the way we get to meet all sorts of people in school, and how you get to meet your friends new friends/seniors, and sometimes someone turns out to be a friend of a friend's friend unknowingly, sucha small small world. but it's been really fun getting to know new people, and just talking to them, listening to their different view points. it the kind of openess you can't find anywhere else other than art school. alice says people will think you're mad, talking to a stranger if you were in business school.
i've guess i've already known it for a while now, but never said anything about it before. but i guess when darren asked/told me, it kinda made me question those issues. i can't decided if there is a right thing to do, because there's neither a right nor wrong, or perhaps a non-issue at all. one thing is for sure, i no longer feel much of a belonging, suddenly i can't relate to the people i could in the past, at times i feel very much out of place, and my quietness shows it all. i guess, everything changes when you start hanging out with a different age griup altogether.
oh and thanks for all the b'day wishes, i felt bad for those who did wish me, but i had not clue who they were, and i didn't have the guts to ask either.
A material's failure to comply to a specific application
provides indication that its more natural usage lies elsewhere.
it just means you're not using the right materials,
because you don't understand the material.
so i tore up too many card boards without realising, an re-did my display case 3 times, because the prior designs didn't work the way it was designed. i felt silly, having to go back to my best friend, art friend, to buy more card board each time. it's silly to lug those a1/2 boards around school, then having to bring it home, it's big enough for me to hide behind. i'm awfully jealous of the way the guys make carrying the boards look so effortless.

and resubmissions for illustration, hurrr, just isn't my thing, i don't think everyone can be a good in rendering, it's requires such sophisitcated skills. yeah well, suang suang says i have to resubmit anyway.
i like the way we get to meet all sorts of people in school, and how you get to meet your friends new friends/seniors, and sometimes someone turns out to be a friend of a friend's friend unknowingly, sucha small small world. but it's been really fun getting to know new people, and just talking to them, listening to their different view points. it the kind of openess you can't find anywhere else other than art school. alice says people will think you're mad, talking to a stranger if you were in business school.
i've guess i've already known it for a while now, but never said anything about it before. but i guess when darren asked/told me, it kinda made me question those issues. i can't decided if there is a right thing to do, because there's neither a right nor wrong, or perhaps a non-issue at all. one thing is for sure, i no longer feel much of a belonging, suddenly i can't relate to the people i could in the past, at times i feel very much out of place, and my quietness shows it all. i guess, everything changes when you start hanging out with a different age griup altogether.
oh and thanks for all the b'day wishes, i felt bad for those who did wish me, but i had not clue who they were, and i didn't have the guts to ask either.
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