Sunday, July 18, 2004

>>yesterdae's bOx<<
hmm!! yay! english prelims oral is over. i think i did quite weLL actually =) uh! after oral!! sigh! NDP. guides are sucha laughing stock. the whole contigent cried. babies!! =/ oh well.. i don't really have anything to say. it's sad. just sad. then i went out for dinner to celebrate my ah ma b'dae at the "orchird copothrone" (i think tt's how you spell it. wadeva!). my dad kept piling foOd on my plate. uh! chinese'S can be sucha glutton at times, i have absolutely no idea why those type of menu course are so long. urgh! yucky... and guess what? i woke up at 4am to pOo~ (O.o) really bad stomache.. lol =P.
>> todae'S bOx <
uncle kian seng is leaving us~! he's going all the way to canada. the church's youth department threw him a farewell party. hmm.. i'm really surprised rather. to think that he quite his secure job( his wife too) to go and study pyscology. living by god's grace. i think it's a huge leap in faith. GOD REALLY DOES WORK WONDERS! well, we'll all be prayin' for him.
hmm.. today i saw frend, (she watched me grow up since young) her daughter has lukemia. after 8 chemos already, each costing $50,000 each time. and i don't know. although i'm not really close to them. i really feel sorry for her. when i saw her today. her eyes were like so tired. so dried. too tired to cry. as though she used up all her tears already. total wreck. =/....... sigh! their medisave is all dried up, have to pay cash upfront from this yr. i hope everything will turn out fine after she gets the new stems cells later in the month. Father, be their strength.
hmm.. seems like i've met loads of ppl today. i saw my piano teacher. my ex- piano teacher i mean. she taught me when i was a kid. MAN! she looks terrible. (o.O) lol! she's only 30 acting like an auntie. and her teeth err... turned all black ?? lolZz... 
yikeS-> mum spilled a bottle of air fresherner on me!!!!!!!! i stink?! i really do?! and so does the car. ek! and at the perfect timing too. just before she alighted me off for tuition. i couldn't get off all the funny liquid. thus, i went to tuition smelling like an air freshener!
+ shout bOx +
the world around me moves so fast. suddenly my world revoles around politics, money, colleges and universities. ?! ppl my age already planned what uni and what course and what modules they wanna take already! and of course, where they wanna go~ like bye bye singapore? izzit just me or do i lag real way far behind' of time ??


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