Friday, April 15, 2005


i think west spring secondary school has the most happening school blogs in the blogosphere. i seriously mean it, a simple check with yahoo singapore search engine shows, that we're one of the few schools that have a blog, other schools include west wood secondary, the only other school i could fine, has only 5 members. east view secondary has a student forum. yeah tt's about it.

wsss blogs
wsss alumni
wsss eng dept
wsss tech club
wsss band
west spring idol

TA DA! we're just one school but we have a total of 6 blogs instantly. maybe we'll even bag one of these blog award.

even mr r(A) and mr K blogs. i also found ms m's blog while searching through yahoo.

check this out! speaking of privacy, even our principal is invading the blogs, everyone had better be careful what they write about from now on. who else but our very own principal can do sucha fine job at launching the eng dept blog with a good article .


Anyone knows the answer to "The difference between volunteering & being called into god's service"?

The TRAC aka Truth Ministries. [Tr for trac, & uth for youths], did a very intresting write up on this, for the band workshop.

1 chronicles 15:16-19; colossians 4:17

"When god has put his call on you, woe be to you if you turn to the right hand or to the left. He will do with you what he never did with you before the call came; He will do with you what he is not doing to other people. Let Him have his way." Oswald Chambers

Here's 12 differnces between a volunteer and one who is called by god.

1. a volunteer looks upon rehearsal as another commitment he's been obliged to fulfil, but someone called upon god looks upon rehearsal as another opportunity to be used by god.

2. a volunteer looks upon any constructive critism with indignation, but someone called of god is grateful for feedback because he wants to be the best he can be.

3. a volunteer puts in minimum effort, but someone called of god puts in maximum.

4. a volunteer sits back and complains about this and that bothering him, but someone who is called of god leads a personal campaign to improve what needs improvement.

5. a colunteer feels threatened by the talents of others, but someone called of god feels secure in god's direction for his life.

6. a volunteer does no outside practising or preperation (afterall he's just a volunteer), but someone who is called on god comes to rehearsals and a performance as prepared as possible.

7. a volunteer wants to quit at the first sign of adversity or discouragement, but one called on god digs in and perseveres.

8. a volunteer is oblivious to the needs of the ministry, but someone called on god prays over the needs of his ministry.

9. a volunteer is more prone to jealousy of others, but one called of god praises god for distributing gifts and talents as he chooses.

10. a volunteer shrinks back from resolving relational conflict, but someone called of god seeks to resolve the conflict to preserve the unity of the team with which he serves.

11.a volunteer's main source of fulfillment is his talents and abilities, but someone called of god knows that being used of god is the most fufilling thing you can do with your life.

12. a volunteering can't handle being put into a situation where he's going to be "stretched", butsomeone called of god responds to god's will with humble dependence on him.

okay, so tt's all 12! i personally find 11 the main reason that keeps us going.


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