it's time to unveil the blinds.

truth be told, camp didnt give me the spiritual recharge i needed, nor did it give me the answers to my struggles. god however did give me a chance to renew old friedships, and make some new ones, and perhaps speak to me again.
it's been a great time working with the camp comm, pew's right, i've never felt so at ease while working with a bunch of ppl, and it couldn't have been done if this group put together hadn't been this matured. this comm did amazingly good (: i was surprised, at their faith, fellowship, prayer. and then it struck me, it wouldn't have been this way if this comm didn't have a relationship with god.
the same way pong was trying to tell me while we watched the green masked ppl from grace methodist, leading worship and dancing, that it wouldn't be possible for them to do all that if not for their walk with god. and i see where everything with our band, the great balls of fire(whether inappropriately or appropriately named) has all led to, up to this point. i now understand the need to make that sacrifice so that we can get the spiritual feeding we need.
(: camp went well and everything. fun im sure (: right right? like ahem oh! chustin, "hugging" to argggh!, little pecks, squeezing into the small wardrobe. hamsters, horses and ha! dosvindanya! speedy gonzales, you & me, hahhaa, let's just skip all the red m&m bits.
and.. and.. god did send someone to prompt me to do that thingy i've been avoiding. :/
divine intervention over the last 3 weeks has been more than in my whole life put together. god has been so almighty, so graceful, so close to me. when i hit my all low last/this month, having to deal with my youngest sister, my dad perhaps, and work, he's been there for me, comforting me, sending people to minister to me. maybe it's time to put all my trust him, and actually act upon what he wants for me.
and finally.
i'm like home! yo! (: miss me? and i slept slept slept through the day. like from 12 last night all the way to lik 5ish/6ish. :/ i didn't realise how awfully tired i was.

oh yes! we managed to throw in a little little shopping too, (: i got a bag, clar got a wallet, and we got celine paul frank slippers, and mum another wallet. and yeah baskin robbins was yummy (:
and uh the house got a few surprise phone calls, from grandma in canda, she's doing great there (: and from purwanti, my ex-maid, she's back in town working, and she called in to say hello. (:
and uh. i lost my phone. and all your contacts :/
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