Friday, September 01, 2006


you know how it is when you meet a completely random stranger for the first time, and become aquaintances, and hit it off very well. i can think of at least 3 people over the last year that i very much enjoy getting to know and talking to. ha! and somehow all of them happen to be christians and design students! ha! and really, it's funny how well you can get along with someone you hardly know at all. (:

you know how it is when you find it hard to give certain perople the same respect you once did because of a big mistake they made. funny isn't it, how one incident can change your entire opinion of a person, and all those merits, arent even enough to amend it all. i guess it's comprimising your own values if you can't practise what you preach. but yeah we're all human, so shite happens. maybe we're just making too big a deal out of it, you hear it all the time, and it's almost everyone in your midst, so...

schooooool is buuusssssy. but cheryl isn't, which means she has to cut some slack.

i remember how it was in fs when we went with little sleep during subission weeks. and now it seems like almost every other week's workload is just like submission week, but we aren't as busy. perhaps we've all grown accustomed to this lifestyle and the kind of work, & have picked up the pace.


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