Tuesday, April 19, 2005

mmm... i realised my sudden obessession with the keyboards has been in my every post. i'll write something different today.

yesterday i hung out with ally. alissa and dennis will be in town for 2 weeks.

oh yeah, ally was telling me how people get up at weird hours to steal the $500 cows. yeah, you know, the yellow orange red pink blue cows you see everywhere on a grass patch now. the ad campaign by smrt "moove is more", catch no ball? haha. apparently it cost 500 smackaroos to make one of those. well, anyway as she was saying, people get to it at unearthly hours when no one is looking of course. check once! check twice! no one is looking! grab the cow! dump it in you booth! SCRAMMM!!!!! haha. and that's how they do it. pssst... a friend's brother did that. haha, i wonder what on earth do people want anything to do with a yellow cow? put it in the garden to scare off the crows? use it to hang clothes? talk to it? after coming up with as many possible hypothesis as possible, i think they're just gonna hang it up on their wall with a sign, "i stole the cow that does not moO or moves" just for self-gratification, i reckon. or maybe they're just insanely mad. maybe. just maybe. or maybe they're hungry! and want minced beef or beef stew. still maybe.

we caught "guess who", yeah, tt ashton kutcher movie. A haha comedy, the whole idea revolved around racial conflicts. abt a black girl bringing home a white boy. simon played by ashton, told black jokes, he said:

what do you call a lot of black men burried in the ground?
afro turf.

what do you call hundreds of white man chasing after a black man?
the PGA tour. ~white men chasing tiger woods.

i can't remember what other jokes he told, but yeah while these jokes may seem crude, they all just for laugh right? things got ugly after simon told the jokes in the show. anyway, the movie ended with a really sweet ending. It was okay i guess, but nothing really surprising or emotional to add that extra wow factor. hollywood spends millions of bucks on each movie, is it that worth wild paying so much for the actors? paying for talent, when you can't really consider it talent, if the whole movie doesn't blow your mind away in the end. maybe they just wanna stuff the movie with beautiful people. am i being to critical or harsh? sigh. i just really want to watch a good movie, something i haven't done in a long time. i did enjoy the les miserables, there's so much to it, every action every word had a deeper meaning to it.

it feels so great just sitting down slurrping on coffee while catching up. We talked so much. reminiscing primary school. yeah, remember the teachers, those nice sweet ones, and those awfully mean ones that everyone dislikes, the kind you would remember as the mean old lady who pulls your ear. Or that uncle hock seng with the curly hair. hahaha! and the other people in your class, people you haven't met in ages, people you've known personally then, but you haven't got a clue as to where they are now or if they still exsist. ally and i were like, oh she was in this class or that class! you'll actually be quite surprised who were in your classes then, or who were your best friends then, and how we all have changed so much. The things you did when you were a kid. playing hop scotch during recess in the concourse, hanging out in the library well, running around the fish ponds, hanging upside down on the monkey bars, reading your favourite story book. I still remember mine, it was a story book abt this tooth fairy, and i liked it just because it has so many beautiful enchanting pictures in it, and i kept reading it over and over again starring at the pictures. and the kind of sisterly bonding you can't experience anyway where else, just doing all those girly things.

oh! all those good ol' times. it was fun back then

i chatted with sean this morning too. he's doing fine in dallas. i know i've said this many times, but im going to say it again, it's always weird how we do not cherish what we have before us until they're all gone. you'll find yourself missing everything you didn't care about before. i still find it funny.

nic baby, i saw you're vans shoes in spore. you'll be so elated after hearing this. you can get them when you come back to this sunny little island again.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

sigh u made me so nostalgic.. just rememebered the library wells.. that we used 2 sit in in pri... man that was ages ago.. so scary actually. v sad. yahhh i wana get those vans, they dont hav my size here :( love ya, nicole

2:33 PM  
Blogger cheryl said...

mmm. lol. don't you miss this little sunny island. yeah, i liked the well, cheryl *secretly pillow fights* there. ha! hmm, actually the vans shoes do look quite big.

8:54 AM  

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