i'm quite a spender because i don't really feel guilty spending money i worked for, but for some weird reason, i'm always left with excess cash, and even more than i expected even after offering to pay my mummy back 300 bucks for the ipod she bought me. i guess, (: it'll be good to put so money aside then, a good start from now.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
clar's going genting and hong kong next month. i wanna go too ):
i'm quite a spender because i don't really feel guilty spending money i worked for, but for some weird reason, i'm always left with excess cash, and even more than i expected even after offering to pay my mummy back 300 bucks for the ipod she bought me. i guess, (: it'll be good to put so money aside then, a good start from now.
i'm quite a spender because i don't really feel guilty spending money i worked for, but for some weird reason, i'm always left with excess cash, and even more than i expected even after offering to pay my mummy back 300 bucks for the ipod she bought me. i guess, (: it'll be good to put so money aside then, a good start from now.
Monday, February 26, 2007

oh dear, just 2 weeks ago i drank my first coffee in donkaye years. and i've been craving for more ever since, i even had a couple over the last 2 weeks. sheesh, so much for abstaining for coffee for so long. ashley's been telling me to try gloria jean's she claims it's even better than dome's (we all know how dome's has the best coffee right), i'm so tempted to give it a try.
Labels: coffee
Saturday, February 24, 2007
they poured chilli flakes all over it, played some finger guessing game & whoever lost had to take a bite. lol, not all of them said it was hot though. claris went totally red, anywayy, as the stakes got higher, they were like, betting on an entire spoonful of chilli flakes, which clar & tim had one each, & alvin had one for the fun of it. lol, im getting too old for their nonsense.

Labels: photos, tim's b'day
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
3R Size in inch: 3.5" x 5"
4R Size in inch: 4" x 6"
5R Size in inch: 5" x 7"
6R Size in inch: 6' x 8"
8R Size in inch: 8" x 10"
4R Size in inch: 4" x 6"
5R Size in inch: 5" x 7"
6R Size in inch: 6' x 8"
8R Size in inch: 8" x 10"
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
im tired, having to go to work after school for two days. and now this, i would rather have cleared my stockpile of assignments, i'm rather irritated, at lest' i have smashmouth. so i'll keep my unpleasantries to myself.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
you know how little things and gestures can either make or break your day. recently, i've recieved a lot of sms(es) that broke my day, but to make up for it i've been recieving a lot of emails that made my day. (: thanks nic.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
clar's got back her results on fri, just moments before that, i felt so shifty & edgy, so much that i couldn't digest all the music shite kelvin was talking to me about, and he could tell. lol, but srsly, do you believe in telepathy? like when you're close to someone you can literally feel how they're feeling right that instant.
so anyway, clar did alright. nicsy did well. joash did well too.

and ohh shooo, i love ALL the tracks played on fred perry's subculture. they've got the on and offs, the long cut, the recovery and everything else good.
so anyway, clar did alright. nicsy did well. joash did well too.
and ohh shooo, i love ALL the tracks played on fred perry's subculture. they've got the on and offs, the long cut, the recovery and everything else good.
Labels: photography
Thursday, February 08, 2007
zomg every single mintue in sufan's lecture theatre is a torture. i just feel like screamming. rawrrr! srsly it only makes sense to think of concepts before you shoot, not after.
i came to a conclusion, the only way i'll ever finish uploading my photos from shanghai is to put up a few each time i make a post. so here's from the pearl tower, at which point i got tired of changing lens.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

how clever, awesome copywriting. twist, lick, dunk. what a way to sell cookies. (: it's actually quite effective, everyone knows the twist, lick, dunk moves.
Labels: oreo
Monday, February 05, 2007
have you ever wondered what it's like to stay somewhere peaceful and quiet? away from the bustling cities, and booming nightlife. where all it takes is rowing of a boat on calm waters, singing folk songs to strangers, to get by.
perhaps, im not really into a country thing, but i've always wondered what it'll be like to live in a different culture for a period of time. when i was in shanghai mum reminded me, that to singaporeans it was a courtesy to queue, but to the locals, by queueing you're just in their way. it's intresting how across different land, to understand different cultures of the people that makes each city unique, no matter how similar their advancement in technology and infastructure is.
i've always wondered how a school like st martins produces so many awesome designers. thinking of it, their building is just like our old school building, i don't think it's the facilities you have that would make you, but rather i believe their students have a passion that we don't. if so, why? meilei was telling me in australia the pace is much slower, perhaps it's why she has time to work on other projects outside of school. i seriously do think, if the local education system is less rigourous, it'll leave us with more time to experiment with materials, creating imageries, print our own tee shirts, even try selling some handmade crafts stuff. isn't it fun to be young (:
Friday, February 02, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
im starting to dread my photog lectures, my lecturer is very much of a concept & presentation person, she requires all our photographs to have a concept, and sell the concept it professionally. unsatisified with certain answers, she goes, so what are you trying to say with this image? ... and? ...and?
the truth really is, many of us shoot for aesthetic reasons. srsly, when you take a shot for aesthetics you can't always come up with concepts for every image you shoot. it's funny watching people come up with crap on the spot. and it's absolutely hilarious hearing what some people say in serious acts of desperation.
something like this;
image: flowers agianst buildings
concept: chinese new year is in town
or when answering questions
qn: so what are you trying to say abt that scar on the wood?
ans: i don't know, maybe the scar is because of a natural disaster like lightning
qn: why did you take the tree in the backdrop behind the coconut?
ans: i just wanted to show that the coconut fell from the tree.
image: picture of the esplanade
qn: why is your image black and white?
ans: cos i learnt in journalistic photography, bw photos bring out more emotions
qn: so what emotion are we supposed to be feeling from this picture?
ans: i love the esplanade
yeah right. so much for creative students.
Labels: photography