thank you nice people who reminded me abt my b'day, because i kinda forgot abt it. lol.
thanky you very much clar & nic for your lovely cupcakes, donuts, boxer, and ear rings. the cupcakes looked pretty fun (: yes i lurrrrveee the ear rings lots, they're so so so cute (: (: (:
and thankew pedoguay & darrylguay for your lovely monsterish notebook. very fun monsters (: will defintely use it (: and uh, i've decided i don't need so many hours a day anymore, i've decided i need to go with the flow, work better with less stress (:
and hahhaa, that look on hans face when he realised my b'day was this week is priceless. really, really, priceless, i wish i took a picture. lol, i'm sure those of you who saw it would agree.
ahh, by god's grace youth sunday ended on a high afterall (:
huurr, the pre service this morning didn't look good at all, we clearly lacked practise for most of the set. and i forgot my laptop, which i still feel very bad abt. and as chris was showing me her ring this morning, i was preoccuppied worrying myself that i didn't notice it. i was telling her how blur i was, and she was trying to show me her ring, and i was still preoccuppied, so i guess we both concluded i was blurred.
such a big bad of mine, which made me turn white. forgetting to bring the laptop, afterall, i was the one holding the entire service order for the day. thank goodness, joe had a copy of it, so we managed to set his up in good time, before service started, and my laptop came in time to test the set up for the slideshow for whatsername. so that was all good.
but what really went wrong was the lack of a lead. no one was doing the queues, within the worship team, we were a total mess. i guess, the upsetting part was knowing that we weren't that bad anymore, in fact we sound really great at times, but yet shitee hapens. hurrr, but by good grace (: we redeemed ourselves during the 11am service, when chern took the lead. everything went so smoothly. and i did very much enjoy playing at the 2nd service.
oh and lunch was lovely, great catch up time, which i miss so dearly. (: i've really haven't had lunch with everyone in sucha long time, and yepp. we took photos, lots! espically with all of ash's hats. they were damn fun (:
oh yep, and one voice looks pretty good too me. in my eyes, plenty more to improve on, but at the same time, it's way much better than the last round, it's starting to look more like a zine. i guess for the next round, i need to start defining the terms of "our look" but yeah, god's grace, really, (:
and hurr, i got to go to school early tmr to finish off my photocopying, because my print outs didn't turn out too well. mmm. i guess it's always best to adjust the settings on your own.
the printshop guy says i look very stress. :/ hmm, i guess it's one of the things im trying to change, getting rid of that i'm tired look and it;s written all over my face look. yes yes, so from this day forth, you shouldn't be able to tell if i am. if you can, just don't let me know :P
haha, i guess in someway it's good im not working next week, since i didn't give lanvin my schedule in time. gd always knows my limits better than i do, so yep, it's gonna be a restful week, even though it's presentation week, i must say that i haven't felt so relaxed abt presentation week before. in the past, i probably would have gone crazy by now. but i guess, it's also because, fs has thaught us how to handle the work load and stress, so everyone kinda knows their own pace now.