hello world.
(: it's been great rest this weekend.
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
-1 John 1:8-9
i had an open talk with clar and ben. i've come to realise that we do what we do, we say what we say because we have learnt to hold each other accountable. (: nic once asked me, do you think that people really have changed or is it because we got to know them better?
dear nic, i have an answer now. it's defintely both. we indeed gotten to know people better, we started sharing not just about our walk with god, but also our personal joys and burdens, we enjoy the companionship and very much the music too. spending time together through service, and subsequently learning to outside service, has taken our friendship to a different level. it opened avenues for us to hold each other accountable.
there are times, when we felt troubled or when we saw something that needed to be made right. we didn't just sit by and watch. sure it took time to summon the courage to act, sure it was never easy. but we never once gave up on anyone. we have always given that support to each other, sometimes quietly just by simply prompting, sometimes with action we took together. now we're quite able to whack each other in the name of friends. and all of you cheer with me, we have done so on several accounts (: whack in a nice way of course, but even if it couldn't nice, we did it, because we believe in our friendship (: it's true, some are still taking time to heal but we know we won't let go (: because we still believe in what we do.
i'm quite assured that this is a healthy clique (: it doesn't matter what people say about us anymore. it doesn't matter how many more darts are yet to come our way. who cares if people really do think your tears are way over done. you know, i know, god knows, your tears fall because you've seen his goodness over the oc ever since PCD days. we weren't always that open about being fools for christ, we took time to learn it was okay to do foolish things (crying, drawing pink arrows, marrying p_r(s), jumping, raising hands, lifting voices aloud during prayer) we took time to learn that it doesnt matter about what people think of the stupid things we do, when they give us that huh? look. because we know we do it out of love for god. sure, sometimes we feel that tinge when people believe that you're a FFC for the high of it. but who cares? who cares about the million misconceptions people have about us. saying we're exclusive and whatever rubbish, because in actual fact from PCD it has grown to 3-rows-not-enough-for-us, there's always the floor. and we have invited people for
one@one be it personally or over the blog, for our bbqs, for worship practises, for sunday huddles. because we believe in the inclusive concept, never once have we said we have closed it to just WT and friends. it's true, we broke away from the one patterned level segregation.
and if you really do think about it, those darts that have hit us before have brought us not just even closer among ourselves but also with god in the end. god has blessed us in so many ways. think about every single prayer we prayed for the oc, for this group when we first kicked off, is it not true that our prayers are becoming a reality? it's been a long journey, looking back, we couldn't see the promise then when things got weary. but think of it now. it's all true isn't it, once again he showed his faithfulness to us, to the oc. i believe god didn't bring us together by chance. (: i'm still looking forward to the next few years down the road.
it's been 511 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes, and 29 seconds since the launch of OC! amazing grace, sweet blessings. during our meeting with pew, he said that now, oc has become visible in church, we finally have a something to back up our requests, he said some ministries even wanted to turn to the oc for resources too. (: we talked about some plans for 06 (: it's gonna be a great year. i must add, pew has been such a blessing to the oc. we're like his little baby, he's exceptionally protective of us. (:
oOo, suddenly, we are family. yeah, it's meant to be. as promised i will make a few calls and i'll ask claris 'how many hours have you studied?' by the end of the week again. likewise, i'll check on nic deary too.
(: naninaniboo baack guys!